alien egg photoshop tutorial

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create these glowing blobular Alien Eggs in Photoshop

01 :: First, create a new file with a good canvas size & large dpi:

02 :: Next, create a new layer, fill it with a dark colour, and name it:

03 :: Then, to give our Alien Eggs a translucent appearance, wherein their cell walls are visible, we need to modify the properties of the Paint Brush Tool:

    – Select the Paint Brush Tool
    – Open the Brushes module & select Wet Edges

04 :: Any Alien Eggs worth their weight will give off an odd glow. So, with Paint Brush Tool still selected:

    – BRUSH SHAPE: Choose a soft round brush (for best immediate results, use a px size at least 1/4 size of canvas)

05 :: Set some other critical Brush properties:

    – OPACITY:  100% (default)
    – FLOW:  100% (default)
    – MODE:  Linear Dodge    

06 :: Lets see what these settings get us on the black canvas. 

    – Create a new layer on top of all others.
    – Select a vibrant colour; I’ve found that bright orange gets fantastic results.
    – Drop & drag out a few circles of your colour
    – Make sure the edges of at least 2 of them overlap a little bit

To describe the Photoshop Fu before you, we have blobs of colour that, by themselves, have cell walls and glow. 

However, when they overlap, the Linear Dodge + Wet Edges causes the chosen colour to increase. 

The more you mouse-down over existing blobs, the more saturated & bright the overlap appears. 

The effect is eggs that appear to be connected, as if bubbles in a liquid.  Even when the blobs approach each other, their glow overlaps, creating the appearance of 2 seperate eggs with connected membranes. 

Try out different colours & note how – without editing the Brush Tool settings above – each colour behaves a bit differently. 

For even further Alien Egg effects, create larger eggs shapes, and using darker & different colours, create smaller Alien Embryo shapes within.  All the while, play with Brush Opacity: have the larger earlier Alien Eggs have like a 75% Opacity, with the inner/later Alien Eggs having closer to 100%.
